Saturday, August 19, 2006


Hello everybody,
Not much is new on the Zirkle front.
He's doing Chemo every Saturday without a break,he'll continue that until September where they will stop and evaluate his progress. I don't expect anything new or substantial to happen until then. Ross is currently fighting two small infections, but so far they have not slowed anything down. Ross is still looking fairly well, he's still thin and walking with a cane. His hair is falling out but not very fast, I would have never noticed if he hadn't told me.

Ross wants me to thank everyone for all of the love and support that has been shown to him, and he hopes that one day he will have the chance to thank everyone personally.

I'll be back in touch with the september evaluation, or if anything else comes up before then.


At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Derrick,
I am a former student of Ross's and I just found out about Ross's cancer. Needless to say I am shocked and devastated. Ross is such a wonderful teacher and person and I always enjoyed talking to him and taking his classes. I always wanted to purchase one of his prints or drawings but never managed to do this before I moved back to Connecticut last year. I was wondering if you knew of a way in which I could do this now. Please let me know and please send my love to Ross.
Thank you,
Nancy Restivo

At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just realized I left no way of getting in touch with me - my email is - also, please add me to any email list you may have regarding Ross.
Thank you,

At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am absolutly floored and restless with this information about Ross. George Sekley called me yesterday to tell me about his show in Cincinnati and told me about Ross. At the same time this was happening to Ross this summer I too was dianosed with reoccuring Matastized breast cancer. I'm off of school today to have a port put in so that i can get my treatments. I would like very much to see Ross. Is there a way that i could visit him? Please tell him that my thoughts are with him and that i am praying that all will be well with him. Please contact me at or 606-510-3569. I hope to hear from you soon.
Cornelia Nash


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