Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What caused Ross' cancer

Hello everyone,

I am writing you all with more specifics about Ross's new treatment. I just talked to Suzanne and happen to ask if they ever figured out where the cancer began. She says the doctors now believe that it all began in the lungs. When the tests started, all those months ago, they never found any cancer in the lungs but they did find pre-cancer/remnant signs. The doctors said that when the body recognizes the cancer it attacks it, and the cancer responds like a dandy lion and spreads "spores" all over the body. Although there are no signs of lung cancer now, the new medicine that he has been put on is made specifically for patients with lung cancer due to prolonged exposure to asbestos. Ross's treatment will continue until the end of February, then they will stop and do another evaluation. I'll be back in touch when new news comes up.
